Contributing to the NDRF Mission
Contributions may also be mailed to:NDRFPO Box 301 Red Wing, MN 55066-0301 Phone: (651) 327-0367 Thank you for your support of NDRF's efforts.Contributing through iGive.comiGive.com is a an online shopping service that provides a percentage of purchases made through their site to charitable organizations. To take advantage of this program, follow the hyperlink below. NDRF will receive a $10 donation for your first purchase, and a percentage of all future purchases will be donated to NDRF. The site's stores include big names like BarnesandNoble.com, eToys, CDNow, Dell Computers, The Sharper Image, PlanetRX, J.Crew, JC Penney, AtYourOffice.com, Beyond.com and Outpost.com as well as specialty stores from DogToys.com to Green Marketplace, Swiss Army Depot and Tiemaster. Donations to qualifying organizations are tax-deductible.